
謝健新牧師 Rev. Sunny Tse (粵語堂)

手機:0433 383 656

謝健新牧師於一九八三年認罪悔改 , 決志一生跟隨主耶穌基督 , 並於八四年受浸加入宣道會美孚堂。

八九年清楚蒙召 , 九零年進入宣道會建道神學院全職進修與裝備。九四年完成了四年的神學學士課程 , 旋即返回母會 , 加入母會的教牧同工團 , 負責青少年事工。

九六年舉家移民到悉尼定居 , 並開始在國際使者福音閱覽室事奉。在神的引領下 , 九八年成為金寶鎮華人基督教會的傳道。二零零一年 , 接受神的挑戰與任命 , 加入北區雪梨華人基督教會 ( 以下簡稱北雪 ), 作為植堂的傳道人。同年 , 進入浸信會Morling College 進修。 在植堂的事奉上 , 經歷神的恩典。零四年返回北雪事奉 , 專責年青夫婦家庭及青年人。

零七年 , 在神奇妙的帥領下 , 加入比華利山華人浸信會事奉 , 專責中文事工。同年完成教牧學碩士課程。零八年九月取得浸聯會認可牧者資格 , 並於零九年三月七日按立成為浸信會牧師。

謝健新牧師育有一子和一女 , 兒子文彥 , 女兒文思。妻子嘉媚 , 全職母親 , 兼職護士。謝牧師在比華利山華人浸信會的事奉心願 , 就是讓教會成為討神喜悅 , 多結義果的教會。


梁經球傳道 Pastor Richard KK Leung (基督教教育事工)



梁经球傳道於1986年受洗,成為教會的一成員。 移居澳大利亞後,他積極參與了各種教會事奉角色,包括執事,團契導師,成人主學導師,門訓導師,傳道, 宣教, 及聘牧委員會委員。

為了進一步裝備自己的聖經知識,他於2007年報讀 Moore College 神學院的部份時間聖經研究文憑,並於2015年畢業。在2017年底, 他蒙神的呼召,離開了全職專業生涯, 進入神學院 (Sydney Missionary and Bible College) 進修, 在那裡完成了神學碩士課程, 及聖經和宣教證書。 畢業後他再次蒙神呼召, 加入了本教會, 成為基督教教育的傳道人,  他特別熱衷於裝備信徒去理解聖经,並實踐上帝聖言的教導和宣教的異象, 使信徒成為基督的真正們徒, 見証真理, 將福音傳遍萬民 。

Richard was baptized in 1986 in Hong Kong and became a member of the church. After migrating to Australia, Richard has actively served in various church ministry roles including deacon, fellowship mentor, scripture teacher, discipleship trainer, evangelist, and mission committee member. To further equip himself for teaching the bible, Richard enrolled in a part-time diploma in biblical studies with the Moore college in 2007 and graduated in 2015. After receiving the calling from God, he left his full-time professional career at the end of 2017 to enter the Sydney Missionary and Bible College. He completed the Master of Divinity degree and a Certificate in Bible and Mission. After receiving further calling from God earlier this year, he joined the church pastoral team as the Pastor for Christian Education. He is passionate about equipping believers to understand the scripture, to live out God’s word and pursue His mission. Believers will thus become the true followers of Christ, bringing the gospel and God’s blessing to the nations.


赵江萃传道 Pastor Jason Zhao (国语堂)

手機:0466 622 216



Pastor Robert Robayna (英語堂)

手機:0420 940 868

Pastor Robert Robayna was born in Spain into a godly Christian home and grew up in Perth. He was converted as a child and baptized in his late teens. After University and working for a few years he attended Trinity Theological College and Vose Baptist College and completed a Bachelor of Theology (Honours). He recently also completed a Master of Theology through the Australian College of Theology. After local church ministry as a youth worker and youth pastor he served as a university staff worker with the Overseas Christian Fellowship in Perth and Sydney. After that he spent 5 years as a missions mobiliser with the mission agency Pioneers of Australia. Previous to coming to Beverly Hills Chinese Baptist Church, he served for 6 years as the English pastor of the Chinese and Australian Baptist Church in West Ryde. He is married to Cathy and has one teenage daughter Oliana.

Robert Robayna傳道出生於西班牙的一個敬虔的基督教家庭,在珀斯長大。他小時候已決志信主,於十多歲時接受了洗禮。在大學畢業及工作了數年後,Robert 進入了三一神學院和Vose 浸信會學院裝備自己,並且獲取了神學學士 (榮譽學士) 。最近,他亦完成了澳洲神學院的神學碩士課程。

在當地教會服事及作青年牧者後,他於珀斯和悉尼的海外基督徒團契擔任大學團契牧者。此後,他在澳洲先锋宣教機構當了五年的宣教動員者。加入比華利山華人浸信會前,Robert是West Ryde華澳浸信會展愛堂的英語堂傳道,並在此服事了六年。



Grace Fung (Administration Officer 教會幹事)

電話:02 9554 8268
工作時間: 逄星期三至五, 早上九時半至下午一時半


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